About Me
Dr. Scott Hendrickson leads a physics group in the Research and Exploratory Development Department at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). This group focuses on a range of topics including quantum information, electromagnetics, and biomedical imaging. He currently helps lead projects focused on quantum information hardware development in partnership with the government and industry.
Education & Industry Experience
Dr. Hendrickson holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a BS degree in electrical engineering from Boston University. He has more than 15 years of experience as an experimental optical scientist with a broad array of experiences. Dr. Hendrickson has publications in areas such as quantum key distribution, nonlinear photonics, and non-invasive neural imaging.
Contact Dr. Scott Hendrickson at [email protected].

Quantum Engineering
This course will provide a high-level overview of quantum systems and their potential applications, including computing, sensing, and communications.
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