Artificial Intelligence

AI for Executives

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This course aims to provide industry leaders with an over-arching introduction to AI and introduces key technical concepts, AI safety and ethics, and best business and management practices for AI specific projects.

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Duration: 3-Day Course

Course Description

AI Learning and Artificial Intelligence conceptual - Icon Graphic Interface showing computer, machine thinking and AI Artificial Intelligence of Digital Robotic Devices.

As AI continues to permeate every corner of industry, management of projects for AI research, development, and deployment requires a specialized set of knowledge and skills. This course aims to provide industry leaders with an over-arching introduction to AI and introduces key technical concepts, AI safety and ethics, and best business and management practices for AI specific projects. Throughout the course, attendees will gain hands-on experience with AI project management through interactive case studies.

Key Takeaways

Comprehensive actions plans for effectively adopting AI technologies

  • Summarize basic AI history, technical concepts, terminology, applications, and open questions.

  • Identify ethical, bias, and safety considerations relevant to AI applications.

  • Apply key elements of AI project management including hiring, resource management, and MLOps in hypothetical situations.


  • Some technical background—linear algebra, calculus, basic programming
  • Some business management experience

Who Should Take this Course

Project or Program managers with some technical background and a project portfolio including (or soon to include) AI-related projects.

Organizational leadership positions with responsibilities to develop long-term vision and strategy for technology-driven initiatives.

Policy makers with influence over AI research, development, and deployment where safety and ethical questions are likely to be raised.

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Jane Pinelis
Dr. Jane Pinelis is the Chief of the Test, Evaluation, and Assessment branch at the Department of Defense Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC). She leads a diverse team of testers and analysts in rigorous test and evaluation (T&E) for JAIC capabilities, as well as development of T&E-specific products and standards that will support testing of…