About Me
Adam Watkins is a principal staff member of JHU/APL with over 15 years of experience in autonomy and robotics. He performs research in the areas of collaborative autonomy, computer vision, data fusion, and machine learning and currently is working on numerous projects focused on developing and integrating perception for unmanned systems to enable autonomous decision-making. His previous projects have focused on cross-domain heterogeneous swarms of autonomous vehicles.
Watkins is an instructor in JHU’s Engineering’s Engineering for Professionals program, where he teaches the course, Applied Kalman Filtering.
Education & Industry Experience
Watkins received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida. He was named the 2017 Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year by the Maryland Academy of Scientists.

Assurance of AI Enabled Systems
This workshop introduces state-of-the-art methods for developing testing and evaluation plans for AI-driven systems and addresses novel challenges these systems present.
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