Engineering Innovation

5G and Beyond: Technologies and Solutions

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5G is the fifth-generation mobile network, designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.

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Course Description

5g5G is the fifth-generation mobile network, designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices. Flexibility, ease of use, the dynamic nature of the network, Quality-of-Service (QoS), and anytime-/anywhere-to-end users are some of the benefits of 5G technology. It will transform the way humans live, work, and engage with our environment. In the short term, 5G can support exciting use cases such as the IoT (Internet of Things), smart transportation, eHealth, smart cities, and entertainment services. Examples include:

  • IoT—As 5G will enable 1,000 times more mobile data vs. today’s cellular system, it will help support IoT’s communications needs on both IoT sensor and control networks.
  • Smart transportation—Short latency and short-wave communication are essential for emerging autonomous driving. Vehicles could be alerted to dangerous situations in real time and prevent crashes with intelligent emergency braking or steering systems.
  • eHealth—With 5G’s nearly real-time response times, doctors could perform operations around the world with video controls and machines to respond with limited delay. The medium, enabling coupling of robotics and sensors (among other technologies), will benefit from low latency and the ability to handle scale with higher bandwidths in a secure connection. 5G may also offer the possibility to realize “zero physical distance” from a patient for accessible and more-affordable healthcare without quality reduction. Wireless sensor networks could provide the ability to remotely monitor patient vitals such as heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Smart cities—5G stands to support smart cities in which intelligent stoplights monitor and control traffic and emergency management systems are enabled with proactive capabilities. Multi-level parking facilities could communicate with in-car navigation systems to guide drivers to the best parking spaces and prevent traffic jams; service workers could quickly assess power outages while simply wearing smart contact lenses or glasses.
  • Entertainment services—Because the current 4G cannot economically support bandwidth-heavy applications, 5G could support interactive mobile games. Sporting events could utilize effective and efficient usage of spectrum and leverage new broadcast capabilities, such as 4D.
  • Tactile computing and kinesthetic communication—The introduction of this technology, 5G coupled with pressure sensitivity, would provide doctors and health specialists with the ability to hold mobile devices to accident victims to measure patient vitals. Emergency rooms could be quickly prepared for immediate surgery, and life-saving opportunities could be enhanced by ensuring the right specialists are on hand.
  • Holographic interactions—The ability to interact with a hologram and receive tactile responses presents possibilities for an incredible future. For example, the ability to interact socially changes as the zero-latency concept shifts from simply a Tweet as an interaction to being able to shake hands and see the person saying the comments directly. This also provides opportunities to reduce the global spread of diseases such as MERS, Ebola, and other contagions.

This course will highlight the key 5G enablers, their benefits, how these can be applied to and take care of existing pain points in a variety of verticals including agriculture, first-responder, health, smart grids, and intelligent transportation systems. Attendees will gain insight into the 5G network from an end-to-end point of view and understand the 5G enablers. The course will cover five different areas, including wireless evolution, 5G system architecture, Key KPIs, how 5G is different from previous generations, 5G verticals including use cases in each, standardization efforts, trial deployment, return on investment by deploying various 5G technologies in terms of performance optimization, earned revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

  • By applying 5G technologies and various enablers, improve existing use cases within various verticals

  • By applying 5G technologies, solve various pain points that exist today

  • Explain how 5G enablers can help improve the product portfolio of a company

  • Summarize how 5G technologies can be used for competitive advantages in the industry

  • Develop a product roadmap for short-term (3 years), mid-term (5 years) and long-term (10 years) time frames

  • Plan product development to accommodate the status of 5G standardization and deployment

  • Apply artificial intelligence to solve a specific problem in your business/industry


Basic understanding of communication, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and wireless technology

Who Should Take this Course

Decision makers, chief strategists, VPs of business development, VPs of product development

Federal Agencies (DHS, DoD, DARPA, OUSD)

Chief Technology Officers, Chief Architects, Chief Engineers


Venture Capitalists

KPMG, Accenture, PWC, Solutions Architect (consulting companies)

Government, municipal corporation, local regulator (5G deployment) (policy makers)

Humanitarian projects/NGOs/non-profits (e.g., Gates Foundation)


Innovators/visionaries/futurists (e.g., SpaceX)

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